
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Filming and editing updates

 Hey, Being that we just got back from spring break I haven’t done much editing or filming because I was out of town. I do plan on filming more this week. While I was going back to look at my process I came up with a new idea. I’ve decided to change the theme of my titles. At first I was going to go with a normal pop up theme as usual but over the break I also studied the way popular movies do their titles and it’s always something fun. Since my movie theme is action I decided to go with a sort of cartoon title as if it were a comic book. Luckily I won’t have to re-film any of the clips I’ve already filmed, all I have to do is go back and edit it to look like a cartoon/ use a filter. For the actual titles it may get a bit tricky due to the fact I want to kind of add a symbol or something of that sort in it. I plan to have this done by my next blog due in a few days so that gives me plenty of time to go watch tutorials and really focus on this part. The good thing about this is that I w

Production Blog: All about filming angles

 Today I decided to go back and make my angles in the opening sequence of my film look more professional. Since I don’t have any actors available at the moment I thought I should use my time wisely. I first went on YouTube of course to watch tutorials on certain ways to capture perfect angles in my phone. While watching those video I discovered using a wider screen such as my iPad resulted in a much better outcome. After that I then did each part of the opening sequence one by one to get the perfect effect when it comes all together. For the most part it went pretty smoothly till I got to the bathroom part. Of course I didn’t want to be seen in the mirror holding a big iPad so I had to get the perfect camera angle to accomplish that. It was not easy I can say it was the most complicated part of it all for me. But in the end it all cake together. I say this only took me about 30-40 minutes, which is great being that I never did something so strategic before. After I had all my footage I

Production Blog: filming gone wrong again

 Unfortunately, I ran into another obstacle while trying to film another part of my movie. One of my actors came down with covid so now I have to get tested again along with all my other actors. Yet gain I did not let this stop me from doing some type of editing I realized that I could just add some non-diegetic and diegetic sounds to my film. So all I did was go back into my film and add sounds where I felt they were needed. As before I used my phone to accomplish these edits. I got all the sound effects imported from a non copyrighted source and just embedded them onto the film using iMovie. This part wasn't hard for me at all being that I have really good experience with editing videos and adding sounds. Some sounds did come from YouTube but I made sure they weren't copy righted and free to use. While I was editing I also decided to go back and add more transitions and effects to my film. This didn't take much being that all I had to use was iMovie. Although, this was an

Production Blog: All about editing

  As I stated In my previous blog I didn't get to edit none of my filming from that day so that's what I did today. To achieve all this I still only used iMovie being that it wasn't any serious editing only putting the titles onto the scene. To create the fade in effects I just used the "fade in" tool on iMovie. I don't know why I thought that putting in the "typing" effects was going to be easy but boy oh boy was I in for a rude awakening. I kind of struggled at first I kind of knew how to do it from past experiences but I wanted it to be perfect so of course I went to YouTube. After doing some looking I finally figured out how to do it in the least stressful way. What I did was put the letters of whatever I was spelling on there one by one and just made each duration different so that way it'll pop up on there alone but quick. After that I continued to complete the next part of my film which was just a timeline but I didn't finish it becaus

Production Blog: Finally starting filming

After a long wait for my covid test to come back it came back negative! The downside of this day of filming is that I had a track meet so I didn't film a lot. Being that my actors were my teammates it wasn't much we could do throughout the week so I just waited till the day of the meet. We all meet up at my house before the meet (really early in the morning). Though this was not planned it worked out perfectly being that the scene is supposed to be "morning" time. The sun wasn't out much so it really did look like morning time ! We filmed the first like the next 15 seconds of the movie which is just the very first actual scene after the opening credits and title scene. This scene didn't really include much its just a run through of the home the young girl (my actor) got attacked in that morning along with the rest of the credits appearing on the screen. only one of my actors are visible onscreen, she's lying in the bed as the camera pans by. Much didn'

Filming and editing blog: Day One of filming

  Unfortunately, I became sick and of course were in a pandemic so I didn't want to risk giving any of my actors covid. I just told them the situation and luckily they will still be available to help me film if my test comes back negative but on the downside it may push my timeline I had planned back a bit. So, now I'm waiting on my covid test to come back but its not going to stop me from at least doing something. I figured since the first 20 seconds of my film are just the production company and studio name on a black screen I thought I'd just edit that and that's exactly what I did. But I changed it up a bit since I was bored and my original plans got ruined. I used my phone and iPad to create the most perfect fade in effect. At first I was just going to have it pop up on the screen in bold print but as I was editing I felt that was kind of boring. Then I thought back to what my main goal for this final task was and that was to show off some of my creativity a little

Planning:Story board


Final Task: Title Designs

Titles: The opening credits which are the name of the studio and name of the production company of my film will appear in a cursive font that will be edited to appear onto a black screen. This would only be like 20 seconds. My next title will be the film title this title would be the most creative of them all I want it to fade into the screen on a black background. The following titles which are the actors names will be embedded into the opening setting (for time management and creativity). Since I'm working alone the last titles for this part would be my name so its going right after the actors names(music by & edited by).  My last four title cards which are producer ,story by ,written by, and directed by are all my name so they will appear "typed" without my name and then my name in bold print to make it understanding but also quick so that way I could go right into my timeline and keep my movie going. Titles will disappear after 3 seconds They will all either be &q

Planning Blog: location, health and schedule

  Location: I will be filming everything at my house.  Health: To ensure the safety of me and my actors I have asked my older sister to sort of act like our safety team. If anything goes wrong she will be there to help us out physically and mentally.  For the scene where one if the actors get pushed into the wall we are going to make a fake thud to make it seem real and instead of being pushed the actor is going to just throw them self at the wall. Planning: (3/2/21) I plan to create my storyboard and upload it also have all my titles ready. (3/4-3/8) I plan to have filmed and edited the opening sequence of my film. The editing for this film will include titles so I also will include that in my blogs. Also, would have completed my first production blog on 3/8. (3/11/21) I plan to do my second production/filming and editing blog around this time I should have the beginning of my task pretty much figured out. I will also upload my final task info onto my blog. (3/15-3/18) Around this tim

Planning Script Blog

  Opening Sequence Script Dialogue and Sound --- Scene 1 -Lisa:*gasping for breath while eyes open slowly* -   The murderer: “she’s dead grab the safe” -Non diegetic sound: footsteps Scene 2 -No dialogue. Scene 3  -No dialogue.  Scene 4 -Lisa: where are we ? -Ms.Brad (child services): “We’re at your uncles new home love.” -Lisa: “Since when did he have so much money”   Scene 5  -No dialogue. Scene 6 -Operator: “How may I help you” -Lisa: “Hi yes, are you able to show me footage on a camera from your company from March 16th” -Operator: “yeah fine no problem, just send over the camera model and ssn.”  -Lisa: *sends over information over the phone”    Scene 7 - No dialogue.  Scene 8 *Lisa has flashbacks*  -Uncle Marc Voice: “They’re family I don’t think I should go through I with this” Scene 9 Lisa: “was that who I think it was” Lisa: “I can’t believe it” Scene 10 -No dialogue          Shooting Script - - -      Scene 1  -Lisa gets pushed hard into the wall   -The robbers then breaks int