Production Blog: Finally starting filming

After a long wait for my covid test to come back it came back negative! The downside of this day of filming is that I had a track meet so I didn't film a lot. Being that my actors were my teammates it wasn't much we could do throughout the week so I just waited till the day of the meet. We all meet up at my house before the meet (really early in the morning). Though this was not planned it worked out perfectly being that the scene is supposed to be "morning" time. The sun wasn't out much so it really did look like morning time ! We filmed the first like the next 15 seconds of the movie which is just the very first actual scene after the opening credits and title scene. This scene didn't really include much its just a run through of the home the young girl (my actor) got attacked in that morning along with the rest of the credits appearing on the screen. only one of my actors are visible onscreen, she's lying in the bed as the camera pans by. Much didn't really get done today as it was originally supposed to but I did get one of the important parts of filming done. I didn't get to edit the credits on the filming due to the fact that my track meet was all day, so that puts me behind a bit. I used my phone to do all the recording I was going to use a professional camera but I don't have a laptop of my own to do all the editing off of so I thought I'd stick to the phone. Although, this has turned out to be another day of disappointment I'm still glad I got something done.


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