Production Blog: All about editing

 As I stated In my previous blog I didn't get to edit none of my filming from that day so that's what I did today. To achieve all this I still only used iMovie being that it wasn't any serious editing only putting the titles onto the scene. To create the fade in effects I just used the "fade in" tool on iMovie. I don't know why I thought that putting in the "typing" effects was going to be easy but boy oh boy was I in for a rude awakening. I kind of struggled at first I kind of knew how to do it from past experiences but I wanted it to be perfect so of course I went to YouTube. After doing some looking I finally figured out how to do it in the least stressful way. What I did was put the letters of whatever I was spelling on there one by one and just made each duration different so that way it'll pop up on there alone but quick. After that I continued to complete the next part of my film which was just a timeline but I didn't finish it because I didn't want to do to much and have nothing to talk about in upcoming blogs. After I stopped there I went back to make sure all my transitions from scene to scene was just right and all edits was done properly. Although, today was another light day I did kind of catch up and I'm very satisfied with the outcome so far.


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