Filming and editing blog: Day One of filming

 Unfortunately, I became sick and of course were in a pandemic so I didn't want to risk giving any of my actors covid. I just told them the situation and luckily they will still be available to help me film if my test comes back negative but on the downside it may push my timeline I had planned back a bit. So, now I'm waiting on my covid test to come back but its not going to stop me from at least doing something. I figured since the first 20 seconds of my film are just the production company and studio name on a black screen I thought I'd just edit that and that's exactly what I did. But I changed it up a bit since I was bored and my original plans got ruined. I used my phone and iPad to create the most perfect fade in effect. At first I was just going to have it pop up on the screen in bold print but as I was editing I felt that was kind of boring. Then I thought back to what my main goal for this final task was and that was to show off some of my creativity a little more so I just went for it ! Since I only have apple devices I only used iMovie to pull this of which worked perfectly. Although having to push my plans back are unfortunate I'm still glad I got to get started on a small piece of my project, cant wait for it all to come together !


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