Planning Blog: location, health and schedule


I will be filming everything at my house. 


To ensure the safety of me and my actors I have asked my older sister to sort of act like our safety team. If anything goes wrong she will be there to help us out physically and mentally. 

For the scene where one if the actors get pushed into the wall we are going to make a fake thud to make it seem real and instead of being pushed the actor is going to just throw them self at the wall.


(3/2/21) I plan to create my storyboard and upload it also have all my titles ready.

(3/4-3/8) I plan to have filmed and edited the opening sequence of my film. The editing for this film will include titles so I also will include that in my blogs. Also, would have completed my first production blog on 3/8.

(3/11/21) I plan to do my second production/filming and editing blog around this time I should have the beginning of my task pretty much figured out. I will also upload my final task info onto my blog.

(3/15-3/18) Around this time all my ideas should be pretty much in play I would complete two more production blogs. I plan to have edited out a minute of my final task video with titles and any other additional effects. 


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