
Showing posts from November, 2020

Filming Blog: Getting it on point

 On Monday the 30th, I started and completed the filming process for the music video. Unfortunately, One of my actors was not able to make it so I went with my plan B. Although I did not have the two people I wanted I still made it look pretty good with just one person including myself. I had all props, costumes and set ups ready to go. From the beginning it was a smooth transition. As we got to the part where the actor had to mouth the words I realized that it has to be on que with the whole video. So we had to start over from the beginning and play the song as I do every scene. After we got past that part it was pretty smooth throughout the whole video until the end. I then realized the falling scene has to be on que with the beat for it to make sense. So, we re did the last couple scenes and planned the fallout to get it on beat. The filming process only took about an hour, this was way longer than the last project but definitely worth it. Throughout all this the lighting was good,

Planning Story Board for My Music Video

First Scene: Recording of the trees outside with a winter filter to go along with the chorus. Second Scene: First bed scene, the first actor will pop up from the covers and sing along to the beginning of the music after the chorus.  Third Scene: Second bed scene, second actor will be singing along to the next part of the song while the first actor is beside her just dancing.  Fourth Scene: Both actors are dancing and having fun on top of the bed. (standing up) Fifth Scene:  Close up shot of the first actor enjoying the music with a bear making funny faces or doing a little dance at the camera.  Sixth Scene:  Close up shot of the next actor doing the same thing as the actor in the last scene. Seventh Scene: Slow mo of both actors jumping on the bed throwing up bears and pillows (pillow fighting). Eight Scene: One of the actors will be writing a fake letter to Santa at the desk as the camera gradually backs up. Ninth Scene: One of the actors will be dancing towards the camera making funn

Planning for My Music Video

 Song Title:  Santa Tell Me-Ariana Grande  Props:   Since this is a Christmas themed song I decided to use props like Christmas hats, fake wrapped presents, a phone, teddy bears, lots of  cute décor pillows and fake snow to give off the vibe of Christmas.  Costumes: In my commercial I will have 2 to 3 actors. The costumes won't be too much since this is just a chill vibe. They will wear matching pajamas and socks that are Christmas themed, as seen in the original video. They will also have on the Santa hats to go along with it. Schedule: On 11/19/20, I will create my storyboard for my music video. On 11/20/20,I will buy all props listed above for my music video. On 11/31/20, will be the day I film and complete my filming blog. On 12/3/20, I will start editing and create my first editing blog. On 12/7/20, I will finish all editing and complete my last editing blog. This will also be the day I turn in my assignment.  Location list: The only location that I can really pull off this mu

Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

 My song genre is hip hop. Conventions of hip hop include loud smooth upbeat tempo, melody, catchy chorus and an energetic and steady beat. These conventions are widely used in the hip hop industry. Although rap and hip hop are two different genres, they still closely favor each other. They have conventions such as an energetic and steady beat in common. Even though my song don't fall in the genre of rap I would still consider it to be apart of that category. For my particular song which is "Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande" it uses conventions such as melody, energetic and steady beat, and a nice loud upbeat tempo. Ariana drags these conventions all the way throughout the song, which in my opinion brings the whole song together. 

Introduction to the Music Video Project

 Hi, for this project I chose to work by myself. I felt like I will have more room to bring in my creativity and I will get it done faster because I don't have to wait on anyone else. Although working by myself on such a big project is risky that's a risk I'm ready to take on. I also don't know that many people that could complete the group so I just saved myself the hassle and made a decision to work on my own. The song I chose is "Santa Tell Me" by Ariana Grande. This song was made in 2014. It recently became really popular around 2018. I chose this song because I wanted to do a popular song that I can work with that was also school appropriate. At first I struggled to find a really good fun song but then I wanted to incorporate Christmas since it's due in December, so this song just came to me. I also chose this song because It can really give me a chance to bring fun ideas to life ! "Santa Tell Me" is about a girl (Ariana Grande) asking Santa

Creative Critical Reflection Blog

         How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?            My project challenges conventions because I had to include props, a theme and most importantly I had to find the appropriate setting that goes along with that theme to really pull off this commercial. This project represents social groups because it can really bringing people together to pull off something so big.         How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? My project engages with the audience by getting them pumped and hyped up, its basically motivation. This can be distributed as a real media text through billboard ads, newspaper articles, magazine covers and so much more.   How did your production skills develop throughout this project? My production skills developed quite well throughout this project, I’ve learned to edit by thinking outside of the box, learned to get the right angles depending on

My Nike Commercial

This is my commercial. This was my very first big editing project. As I went back and re-did some things I can definitely say that this was a challenge and that I could have did a lot better. Although, this has definitely put my production skills to the test, I can say I have definitely improved and I am proud of this project. Looking back from the very first project I have done I definitely see change in my creativity which was something I wanted to improve on the most ! Even though its not the best in the world, its the fact I did all of this by myself and I believe that deserves a big pat on the back. 

Editing Blog: Making it Intense !

 First I got all the scenes aligned in the right order as I put it on my storyboard. I made sure each scene was 5 seconds and that the whole commercial came up to 30 seconds before I started my graphic editing. I did all my editing on my phone and iPad. First I used my iPad to mashup a sound to use as my background music as seen in NIKE commercials to intensify the scenes. Once I did that I edited out a smoke bomb filter on my phone to put onto the scenes. Doing this was not easy it really challenged my editing skills. After I did that I felt my commercial was missing something so I decided to make it all black and white, that way it can really mimic most NIKE commercials. Then I added a few transitions, luckily it did not add to the time of the commercial so I did not have to do any trimming or make any cuts. Then on my iPad I remade NIKES slogan and just added the original NIKE sign, I add this onto my my last scene as a word pop up so that way it wont add time. Finally, I did a voic

Filming Blog-The track

Today, Sunday the 1st I did my filming for my project. After I picked up my friend that was my actor for this project we headed straight to the track. As the director, producer and everything else I bought along the bookbag that was included as one of my props. We were already in our NIKE gear so we did not have to worry about changing or anything. As I stated in my storyboard I shot the first scene of the actress walking through the gate showing off the bookbag. Then the filming process of all six scenes was pretty smooth after that. The only issue I had was getting a good close up of the NIKE shorts in the second scene because of the actress constant movement but eventually I got a grasp of it after many re-shoots. Luckily there was no one there while we were there so I didn't have to worry about anyone getting in our way. The whole filming process only took up to 40 minutes because of how I planned everything out. I also got all the filming done in one day so luckily I can get s