
Showing posts from December, 2020

Music Video Critical Reflection

          How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?            My project challenges conventions because I had to include props, a theme and most importantly I had to find the appropriate setting that goes along with that theme to really pull off this music video. This project represents social groups because it can really bringing people together to pull off something so big.         How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text? My project engages with the audience by getting them pumped and hyped up, its basically motivation. This can be distributed as a real media text through billboard ads, newspaper articles, magazine covers and so much more.   How did your production skills develop throughout this project? My production skills developed quite well throughout this project, I’ve learned to edit by thinking outside of the box, learned to get the right angles depending on t

My Music Video

This is the final product of my music video. Although I complained a lot throughout the project about how hard it was. I can say that this really opened my eyes about how much I can really do if I just thought outside the box and applied my full potential. This was a stressful but yet fun and learning experience. I am very pleased with the final outcome of my project and I hope you enjoy it too !

Editing Blog #2: Making it fun

 Today December 7th, I finally finished all of my editing for my music video project. Today I put together my second half along with the first half. After I seen it all together I liked it but I wasn't quite satisfied with it. I only had transitions but after I watched it a few times I felt it was boring and I was not happy with it at all. So, I decided to challenge myself a little more and add some fun effects I put together using a green screen app but I created the effects myself. As mentioned before in my first editing blog I used my iPhone and iPad to complete all my editing. I added many cool effects like glitches, colors and many many more ! After I completed that I thought the transitions were kind of lame so I went back and made them more fun also using a green screen app. After I completed all of the transitions and effects I was satisfied but at this point I was just going in making small and minor changes. When I was finally done I went into iMovie and added the beginni

Editing blog #1: Correcting the technique

 Today December 3rd, I completed half of my editing for my project. This process was not easy at all but I can say that it helped me come out my shell a bit. The apps I am using to edit my project are, iMovie and video leap. I am not using many apps because I want to show what I can do using limited resources. I am also coordinating between my phone and iPad to do the editing. The hardest part for me was getting the music the exact same way I had it played while filming so everything can go along. There was no trimming needed because all my scenes were a perfect 5 seconds. The first half of my project consist of many edits which made it kind of tricky. I re did so many edits to get it to my liking. I made sure my video didn't look too unprofessional by using lots of filters to brighten up the scenes and tone out my actors. I also added a few effects as the original did to make it more fun to watch. By doing all of this I believe the first half of my music video turned out great and