Editing Blog- Adding titles

 Hey guys, as you know we are done filming. Today we are focusing on editing. We really took our time on this part today being that we wanted everything to be perfect to the T! We have changed up the titles just a bit. To to the editing we of course used angels computer the same as last time. We have decided to go with the same don’t all around. We also added effects to it instead of it just popping up on the screen. The words fade in a little now slowly to make it feel more like a film. We haven’t added any color to it the words are just white. We decked to keep the name of the film pop up in the middle of the film. We did add an effect to it so the film doesn’t feel plain. Our whole objective of this is so that the film feels suspenseful. We really wanted to carry out each aspect of the film from the theme to the filming to the editing. We believe we did an extraordinary doing that with limited equipment. After all the titles were added we then went back into the film and replaced scenes with better ones. We did this so that we really captured each angle that we learned about last year. We were not only worried about presentation our execution is most important. We were supposed to add music today but didn’t get to it. We aren’t really worried about not being able to finish editing today because we have time left now that we are on track. Everything is looking good so far and I am far from relieved that everything is almost over. 

*BTS of us filming* 😊
