Title Research: Watch the titles website

 On this website I also saw many different articles that went into depth about titles. But these articles were different they only focused on one movie or film at a time and they explained to who the whole concept of the movie. These articles weren't wholly focused on sequence or why the creator chose to got with a title as such, it was more focused on the creativity side. This article went into depth about the creativity of the article and why it was created that way. They not only focused on titles for film but also for festivals, conferences, workshops and other creative shindigs. What I've learned from this website is its all about the creativity. I've found out that writers often find this challenging as well. This whole time I thought coming up with titles was easy but this website proved me totally wrong. To create a good title it has to be very creative to the point where it matches the creators liking plus the liking of many more, the audience. Everything has to be perfect from the design to the very last letter. The people must be taken away by just the title. Creators and writers go through a lot of mental processing just to get the perfect title.



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