Title Research: Art of the Title Website

 On this website I seen many articles going into depth about how and why titles are formed or created. These articles weren't written by any expert but they have taught me a lot. These articles really analyze each title and connect it with the movie, that's something an ordinary person would skip over. I've learned that a title is not just put there. A title is always connected to a movie some way some how. Titles are created to create sequence. For instance, love film titles often include color with poputouri effects, shapes, layering mystical imagery, archival photographs and cutout headlines. I've never noticed it before but without that sequence the movie would have never gotten recognized. Most people believe that trailers draw attention to a film although that may be somewhat true, that's not all. This website has taught me that the attention comes from the title, everything starts with the title. You never see a boring title and if you have its more than likely that movie has never been watched by a large audience. Most titles have pictures, shapes, nice fonts and so much more, this creates sequence and to have a good title there has to be sequence. 


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