Genre Research: Action and Thriller


Common CAMS:
  • Common camera shots in action include establishing shot, master shot, close-up, wide shot, two shot, ariel shot and point of view shot. 
  • Common camera angles include canted angle, and low angle shots.
  • Common Camera Movement include Steadicam, handheld and zoom.
  • Common composition include focus pulls, shallow focus and framing. 
Common CLAMPS:

  • Common costumes for action movies often just resemble regular clothing in the modern day world. Some films like superhero films have their own custom clothing such as batman, in this typical film he always has on a black suit with his black cape and bat ears.
  • Common lighting includes high key lighting and lowkey lighting. 
  • Common acting for this film is often very serious or dramatic. This is so the viewer feels the sense of suspense happening. It could also include very scared or frightening acting to get a suspense feeling. 
  • Common setting for a action movie is often outside.
Film examples:
  • Avengers End Game
  • Spiderman Far From Home
  • The Fate of The Furious 
  • X-men
  • Divergent 
Common sound:
  • Common sound includes diegetic and non diegetic sound, sound bridge, sound motif, dialogue, sound mixing, sound perspective, score, incidental music, themes and ambient sounds. All of these are used to add feeling to the film.
What elements of the genre that you like ?
  • I personally like the violence part of the genre such as fights, shootouts, chases or explosions. I feel like an action film wouldn't be an action film without it. Its part of the many things that grabs the audience attention.
What elements of the genre do not appeal to you ?
  • The comedic element of the genre does not appeal to me in some movies you see the film is not so serious which gives off an adventure vibe rather than full on action. The popular movie Jumanji is a great example of this. 


Common CAMS:
  • Common camera shots in thriller include establishing shot, master shot, close-up, wide shot, two shot, ariel shot, over the shoulder shot and point of view shot. 
  • Common camera angles include canted angle, and low angle shots.
  • Common Camera Movement include Steadicam, handheld and zoom.
  • Common composition include focus pulls, shallow focus and framing. 
Common CLAMPS:

  • Common costumes for thriller movies often just resemble regular clothing in the modern day world for most of the characters. For the scary characters they often have on ripped up old clothes that looks dirty or wet.
  • Common lighting includes high key lighting and lowkey lighting. 
  • Common acting for this film is often very serious or dramatic. This is so the viewer feels the sense of suspense happening. It could also include very scared or frightening acting to get a suspense feeling. 
  • Common setting for a thriller movie is often outside and inside a home.
Film examples:
  • Escape room
  • The invisible man
  • Extraction 
  • The Vanished
  • Us
  • Ma
Common sound:
  • Common sound includes diegetic and non diegetic sound, sound bridge, sound motif, dialogue, sound mixing, sound perspective, score, incidental music, themes and ambient sounds. All of these are used to add feeling to the film.
What elements of the genre that you like ?
  • I personally love the plot twist of this genre. The plot twist is what makes it even more suspenseful and eager to watch. Most plot twist are recognized at the end of a thriller movie that's why most thriller movies have a part two and in my opinion that's smart its just a guarantee that people are going to watch the next movie. 
What elements of the genre do not appeal to you ?
  • The comedic element of the genre does not appeal to me in some movies you see the film is not so serious which gives off an not so scary vibe and can just ruin the whole movie well unless the genre of the movie is comedy. 


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